Teeth Whitening

Dentist for kids in Lauderdale Lakes, Fl

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Lauderdale Lakes

Teeth whitening is a self-explanatory procedure. It makes your teeth white, along with removing stains and discoloration from them. Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic procedure that improves your facial aesthetics and contributes to making your teeth healthy. However, remember that it is not a permanent procedure, and you will need to visit your dentist nearby at regular intervals to get it done. Dr. Villarreal at Kids Dental Plus is a children dentist in Lauderdale Lakes, FL, who offers teeth whitening services.



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When do you need teeth whitening?

A thin coating called pellicle forms on your teeth enamel every day, which attracts stains. Regular brushing and flossing cannot remove them fully. The enamel also has pores that can retain this stain. If you have not done professional teeth cleaning for a long time, the stain and discoloration of your teeth increases, giving them an unhealthy appearance. Teeth whitening helps you to get rid of that.
Some common causes of staining are:

  • Smoking
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Drinking stained drinks like wine, tea, etc

Stains can also form inside your tooth, which are known as intrinsic stains. They are caused by the use of tetracycline antibiotics or excessive fluoride use. Trauma can also stain your teeth. However, teeth whitening would only work on extrinsic stains.

Advantages of teeth whitening by Lauderdale Lakes children dentist

The benefits of getting your teeth whitened would include:

  • It boosts your self-confidence
  • It improves your overall facial appearance
  • It gives instant results.
  • The procedure is quite affordable.
  • It is painless and does not involve any recovery period.

Who is eligible for teeth whitening?

The best candidate for teeth whitening would have healthy teeth and gums without any fillings or restorations. If you have a yellow tone to your teeth, you will respond to teeth whitening treatment. However, it is not right for some circumstances like:

  • Pregnant or lactating women.
  • People who have fillings and other restorations on their teeth.
  • Children below the age of 16 years
  • Patients with periodontal diseases, infections, tooth decays, etc.
  • People suffering from tooth sensitivity

Talk with your kids dentist in Lauderdale Lakes, FL, to know if you are the right candidate for this procedure

Getting teeth whitening in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

If you have realistic teeth whitening expectations, contact us at Kids Dental Plus in Lauderdale Lakes, FL. Follow us on Facebook. Our dentist office is equipped with the latest technology to give you the best teeth whitening solution. We have experienced cosmetic dentists who can perform this procedure with precision.