Dental Sealants

Dentist for kids in Lauderdale Lakes, Fl

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants in Lauderdale Lakes

A cavity is the most widespread dental issue among children. Dental Sealant in Lauderdale Lakes is one of the most effective ways in preventing cavities. They fill up the pits and grooves of the teeth to give it a smoother appearance. A smooth surface can be brushed efficiently, which helps to keep the food particles and cavity-causing bacteria outside the area. As soon as the sealant is applied, it gets bonded with the grooves and pits of your teeth. The bonding forms a protective shield over your enamel that works as a barrier that saves your teeth from decay.



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Advantages of dental sealants at Kids Dental Plus in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

There are several advantages of dental sealants, like:

  • They provide protection against plaque and food.
  • The application is painless
  • It will support your oral care regime and make regular teeth cleaning easier
  • It is durable and can last up to ten years.
  • It is easy to repair and maintain.

Who is eligible for dental sealants?

Children and teenagers who are more prone to cavities should get dental sealants. Your kids dentist in Lauderdale Lakes, FL, at Kids Dental Plus, will thoroughly assess your child’s teeth before deciding if you need it.
Sealants are applied to a child’s primary teeth when there are deep grooves and ridges. The baby plays a vital role in creating and maintaining spaces for permanent teeth. Thus, it is essential to maintain those teeth properly so that your child does not end up losing them.

Getting dental sealants in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Sealants can last up to ten years with proper care and maintenance. Throughout the years, it will safeguard your child’s teeth from cavities and decay. However, you have to regularly visit Dr. Villarreal, a renowned children dentist in Lauderdale Lakes, FL, for checkups. He will check the sealants for wearing and chipping. In case the sealant needs replacement, we will do that too. To know more about sealant or how it can help your child stay away from cavities, book an appointment with us at Kids Dental Plus. Follow us on Facebook.